(September 8, 2021 – Association of Clinical Research Professionals – ACRP Blog)

Decentralized Clinical Trials (aka: virtual clinical trials, remote clinical trials) may not be the norm anytime soon, but proactive sponsors, study sites and healthcare systems that conduct clinical trials and health studies can begin to take steps to prepare for the future.  Surveys and polls consistently show that people want their trusted HCP to be part of the research process in some way, even if it’s information sharing.

The key is to engage HCPs, disease specific healthcare stakeholders, patients and the public so they can have study access, and share studies, when needed.  The HCP Studies™ Mobile Platform supports the development of local, regional, and national research ecosystems. Study sites, HCPs, and research professionals can use the app anytime at no cost. A patient version is also available. Study sites, health systems and sponsors to build awareness and create access for their studies (basic version at no cost).  To add studies, please e-mail [email protected]. To use HCP Studies, visit  https://alturastudies.com/hcp-studies/.   SEE MORE: ACRP Blog